A New Way To Earn More
For Your Meal Program

Cool School PRIME provides K-12 districts access to rebate opportunities and points to redeem on key items they use every day.

Receive 2-3x Cool School Points with Cool School PRIME

Make your purchases go further and receive bonus points from brands you know and love.

Access over 175,000 qualifying products from 350+ top manufacturers

Earn Cool School Bonus Points AND cash rebates from top manufacturers like Dole, McCain, Rich’s and more.

Receive 10%+ more in your PRIME Rebates Check

Begin earning cash back rebates on your qualified purchases through PRIME Rebates.

Why Opt-In

What Is Cool School PRIME?

The Cool School PRIME promotion gives K-12 Districts access to receive Cool School Points on even more qualifying product purchases.

By opting-in to Cool School Prime, your district unlocks Cool School Bonus Points and Prime Services cash back rebates on 3,700+ qualifying brands and 175,000+ products from over 350 enrolled Member Manufacturers, resulting in the highest rebate checks and point benefits compared to competitor programs. This translates into even MORE opportunities to enhance your meal program.

Join fellow child nutrition leaders andOpt-in for freetoday!  

Purchase products

Unlock access to even more qualified products.

Receive bonus points AND rebates

Begin receiving Cool School Bonus Points and cash rebates on your qualified purchases.


Use your Cool School Points and cash rebates to help enhance your meal program.

Our Process

How Does Cool School PRIME Work?

The Cool School PRIME promotion offers K-12 Districts a new way to enhance their meal programs. By opting in, you unlock access to receiving Cool School Bonus Points on even more products from top manufacturers, as well as cash back rebates. This means even MORE opportunities to help enhance your meal program.

Exclusive Rebates

Who is PRIME Services?


PRIME Services provides K-12 Districts access to rebate opportunities on key items from top manufacturers they use every day.


PRIME Rebates enables Cool School Cafe members to receive rebates on over 175,000 qualifying offers from 350+ top manufacturers.


By partnering with Cool School Cafe, PRIME Rebates provides K‑12 Districts a new way to enhance their meal programs through the Cool School PRIME promotion.

30 +

Years of Service

175  K

Rebate Offers

350 +

Manufacturer Partners

More Cool School Points
More Rebates
More Manufacturers
More Opportunities to Enhance Your Operation


Why members love Cool School PRIME!

Share your Prime Experience and Receive 500 Cool School Bonus Points


Refer a District to Cool School PRIME

Share the benefits of Cool School Prime and refer a district to earn even more!

Receive 5,000 Cool School Points and $150 Referral Rebate for each district you refer who joins successfully.

Cool School PRIME

Questions & Answers

To optin to the Cool School Prime promotion, eligible operators must be enrolled in Cool School Cafe and logged to their online account, then visit to complete the promotion opt-in form. This generates a Letter of Participation (LOP) and a Letter of Termination form (LOT), if your district is switching from another rebate processor. You will receive an automated confirmation email prompting you to submit your distributor information to a Cool School Prime representative. Upon receipt of your distributor information (Locations, customer numbers, etc.), the Cool School Prime team will initiate a data request to your distributor(s) on your behalf. 

Yes! Operators must be enrolled in Cool School Cafe to opt-in to Cool School Prime. Cool School Prime is a promotional offer using the currency of Cool School Points. Points earned through the Cool School Cafe program and Cool School Prime will deposit into the same online account. This allows points to accumulate more quickly for your meal program.

No. All Cool School Points will remain in your account just like always. Points earned through the Cool School Cafe program and Cool School Prime will deposit into the same online account. This allows points to accumulate more quickly for your operator meal program.

PRIME Rebates features cash back rebates on over 175K products from 350+ manufacturers AND the benefit of the Cool School Bonus Points in addition. PRIME Rebates also guarantees 10% or more cash back rebates than other rebate programs.

If your program is contract managed (ex: Sodexo, Aramark, etc.) you may continue to participate in the legacy Cool School Cafe program and earn points on qualifying purchases (see for details). However, only self-operated programs are eligible to participate in Cool School Prime at this time.

No, with Cool School Prime you automatically receive both! The key difference between Cool School Prime and other rebate programs is that you will receive BOTH Cool School Bonus points and cash-back rebates. The average Cool School Prime member will receive 3x the Cool School points and 25% more in their rebate checks annually than other rebate programs.

Cool School Prime complies with all regulations and processes set forth by our participating distributors. Each distributor has their own set of requirements for the protection of your data. At a minimum, Cool School Prime is required to provide distributors with your Letter of Participation (LOP), Letter of Termination (LOT) for any current rebate processor (if needed) and your customer account numbers. This allows the distributor to add your customer account to our program reporting (Powered by Buyers Edge Platform). For most distributors, that is all that is required for notification. Occasionally, there are additional steps that need to take place during the enrollment process, such as proof that any previous processors were notified of termination by districts, etc. Should your distributor need this additional proof, rest assured we will work with you to complete the necessary steps to ensure proper handling of your membership. There are no extra steps that a district will need to complete with the previous processor.

We work with over 1,200 distributors throughout the country for reporting data; each has their own set of requirements for the protection of your data. 

We are required to provide each distributor with your Letter of Participation (LOP), Letter of Termination (LOT) (if needed) and your customer account numbers. This allows the distributor to stop the feed to any other processor, and then add the data feed to our program (Powered by Buyers Edge Platform). 

For most distributors, that is all that is required for notification. For others, there are additional steps that need to take place during the enrollment process. Some distributors require the previous processors to be notified by districts, some require a 3-way NDA and others a copy of an email. 

Cool School Prime complies with all regulations and processes set forth by our participating distributors. As a result, and because of these valued partnerships, we are proud to support 1,500+ (and growing) Cool School Prime districts nationwide.

If a district wishes to, we can analyze your purchase data to see if there are other items you can switch to if you wish to maximize your rebate amount.

Buyers Edge Platform is the parent company for over 30 foodservice technology brands, including both Cool School Cafe and Prime Services. Buyers Edge Platform maintains distributor partner reporting relationships our programs. Operator member information is never shared with a third party.

Request a copy of the latest webinar here.

Cool School Cafe

Login and Get Started

By logging into Cool School Cafe and opting-in to Cool School PRIME, your district gains access to Cool School Bonus Points on over 175,000 qualifying products from 350+ manufacturers. This translates into even MORE opportunities to enhance your meal program.


Not Sure How To Use Your Points?

We look forward to helping you maximize your Cool School Points! Contact us today for ideas and support.

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Have questions or comments on Cool School Prime? Contact us anytime!

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A New Way To Earn More For Your Meal Program